The following case studies offer a brief insight into the range of projects which BCN Heritage undertakes. This page is regularly updated so please check back often!

savoy theatre, katoomba
Client: Private
Proposal: Conservation Management Strategy
BCN Heritage was commissioned to prepare a Conservation Management Strategy for the historic Savoy Theatre in Katoomba.
The Savoy has played a significant role in the social and cultural life of Katoomba for ninety years. In successive roles as cinema, dancehall, casino, theatre, cinema again and restaurant, the complex with its attendant shops and cafes, has been a focal point in the town.
The CMS identifies significant fabric and contains conservation policies to address the key issues in managing the ongoing use and change of this historic place.

Former Lithgow TAFE, Lithgow
Client: Corporate
Proposal: Heritage Interpretation Plan
BCN Heritage was commissioned to prepare the Heritage Interpretation Strategy for the redevelopment of the former Lithgow TAFE. The underlying philosophy to the interpretation of the former TAFE building was to reveal the cultural significance of the place, to understand its identity and why it is important to the people of Lithgow. This is to be achieved by presenting the stories of the former occupation and use through a range of media.

Former Parish Hall, Kelso
Client: Private
Proposal: Removal of verandah
The owners wanted to remove a verandah that had been constructed along the main frontage of this locally listed heritage building. BCN identified the verandah was not original fabric and had no heritage significance. We argued successfully that removal could be undertaken as minor works under the Local Environmental Plan without a development consent.

North Cronulla Surf Life Saving Club, Cronulla
Client: Corporate
Proposal: Archaeological Management Plan
BCN Heritage was commissioned to prepare an Archaeological Management Plan for the redevelopment of the North Cronulla Surf Life Saving Club. Following an analysis of historical records and archaeological survey we identified the study area as having low archaeological potential for both Aboriginal and European archaeology. We were able to show that no further Aboriginal or historical archaeological investigation of the study area was required prior to the proposed works commencing.